Monday, August 21, 2017

{Total Eclipse 2017}

An absolutely amazing experience watching the moon pass between the Sun and the Earth.  We were blessed enough to be in the path of totality and enjoyed watching creation respond.  The cicadas began to sing and the purple martins came flying over completely confused as to what time of day it was.  After totality, the roosters began to crow and all of creation began to sing again. The total eclipse was around 2:40 in the afternoon...and although it slowly became dark and then light again with about 3 minutes of total was so different than sunrise and sunset.  Everything was almost gray and muted.  The temperature also dropped by close to ten degrees as it began to eclipse and was just lovely!  Scott and I both thoroughly enjoyed the breeze that swept over the earth, too.  Thankfully, the clouds held off and we were able to see the total eclipse and a portion of it partially eclipsing the other direction before the sky clouded up!  We turned on some Hillsong and worshipped as we watched and spoke over and over about our Creator and how tremendous His power have simply spoken this into existence and the world stopping to marvel over His works.  My heart has been heavy and I needed this incredible moment to give me great perspective over His love and sovereignty and perfect plan for our lives.  As the sunlight faded, tears came in awe of the One Who made this even possible.  So thankful to have had this moment with our family...S had initially planned to be hunting but stayed home with us to enjoy this priceless moment and I'm so glad he did. A memory none of us will ever forget!

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